3/14的寫作差強人異, 如果能再進步兩分是最好的

最讓我意外的是Indepent Writing,我在GMAT的AWA拿下5.5的成績

沒想到Indepent Writing 只有 Fair....Orz

考前一週沒有寫下模板是錯的, 還有我的思路也有問題



Writing  Skills Level   Your Performance  
Writing based on reading and listening Good(4.0 - 5.0)

You responded well to the task, relating the lecture to the reading. Weaknesses, if you have any, might have to do with

  • slight imprecision in your summary of some of the main points and/or
  • use of English that is occasionally ungrammatical or unclear.
Writing based on knowledge and experience Fair(2.5 - 3.5)

You expressed ideas with reasons, examples, and details, but your response indicated weaknesses such as

  • you may not provide enough specific support and development for your main points;
  • your ideas may be difficult to follow because of how you organize your essay or because of the language you use to connect your ideas; and/or
  • grammatical mistakes or vague/incorrect uses of words may make the writing difficult to understand.



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