目前分類:MBA申請 (8)

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今天看一下申請的文件, 才發現我在申請中已經有稍微比其它台灣學生佔些便宜

在我拿到面試的兩家學校有個共同點, 卻與其它拒絕不同點


在於我在essay中有提到我來自 "孔家"


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不意外, 就是一個收了報名費就無聲無息的學校



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我一直在想, 為什麼我會面試這學校失敗~

是在回答, if you are accepted by all schools, how do you decide which school?

還是在, if you can't get in xxx company, what's your backup plan?



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I predicted the rusults several days before. But, I still feel a little upset.  :( 

However, the refusal doesn't surprise me because I knew that I dont have very strong background. My step doesn't show that I have have a solid goal toward my self. Until now, I still wondered "Why MBA?" If I am a genius, why do I need one to support myself in investment? What if i'm not a genius, a MBA is just an expensive lessons for another decent job. But, it still can not change my personality that doesn't have a solid goal.

To me, the important thing is to set up a goal, being in a company or start my own business..... I dont know

That matters more than the MBA's application...


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在申請NYU, 出差讓我本來有充裕的時間變成很趕著交卷

另外, 我又忘記把一個朋友列入校友名單上了

豬頭之極, 浪費Lingling幫忙我找到一個人脈

最後是在給學校信去修改GMAT成績時, 錯字很多....Ex: "Dear, Mr"....笨死了, 還把2008寫到2009

不要太荒亂地把信寄出, 要好好地給word修改 (MIT與Berkeley也有這個缺點....)

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上週丟完Berkeley, 昨天丟完MIT





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地點: 香格里拉遠東飯店

場地感想: 服務超棒的, 一直到最後都有三明治吃, 一開始還有燒賣哩

Information Session:

At first, I'd like to say that it does not succeed in introducing Chicago to me, because of only 3 alumni there. And, all of them work in financial area. Therefore, such sharing cannot attract me much. At least, I got one answer that even though I do not meet the limit of Toefl, I still have chance to apply for Chicago. But, I need to prove me language skills to cover my failure in Toefl. So, I may consider the priority of applying Chicago: 1st round, but not good Toefl, or good Toefl, but 2nd round. Besides, the consulting is also as strong as their IB. Almost the same number of students become consultants as that become bankers.

Besides, I had some new friends: TooToo, and Mark.

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今天參加這場說明會, 得到不少寶貴的資訊, 依照慣例, 就只有簡單的條列



   in a town near Chicago


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